Computer skill is the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. That is considered a very important skill to possess.
Employers want their workers to have basic computer skills because their company becomes ever more dependent on computers. Also in school and colleges have adopted now computers technology everywhere,
CTC offers Basic Computer course which include Microsoft office Word, Excel and Power Point Presentation, Internet etc.
Creating Folder, Paint Directories, input units, Output unit Central Processing Units What is hard ware, what is Software Windows short cut keys Using slide master Inserting layout option Creating custom layout Inserting place holders Formatting place holders Default Animation, Custom Animation Modify a Default or Custom Animation Reorder Animation Using Transitions Apply a Slide Transition, Modifying a Transition, Advancing to the Next Slide Apply a Slide Transition, Modifying a Reorder Animation Using Transitions Modify a Default or Custom Animation Default Animation, Custom Animation Merge and split option Alignment option Table Styles Working with Tables, Table Formatting Check Spelling As You Type Setting Auto Correct Options Save as video Save as JPEG files Save as PowerPoint Show file Print Preview, Print.
Creating, editing, saving and printing text documents, Font and paragraph formatting, Simple character formatting Ø Inserting tables, smart art, page breaks, Using lists and styles, Working with images Ø Using Spelling and Grammar check Ø Understanding document properties, Mail Merge, New, Open, Close, Save, Save As Formatting Text: Font Size, Font Style Font Colour, Use the Bold, Italic, and Underline Change the Text Case Line spacing, Paragraph spacing Shading text and paragraph Working with Tabs and Indents Shapes, Clipart and Picture, Word Art, Smart Art Columns and Orderings – To Add Columns to a Document Change the Order of Objects Page Number, Date & Time Inserting Text boxes Inserting Word art Inserting symbols Inserting Chart Changing Word Options Changing the Proofing Tools Managing Templates Restricting Document Access Using Protected View Working with Templates Managing Templates Understanding building blocks.
Introduction to Excel interface Understanding rows and columns, Naming Cells Working with excel workbook and sheets New, Open, Close, Save, Save As Formatting Text: Font Size, Font Style Font collar, Use the Bold, Italic, and Underline Wrap text, Merge and Centre Currency, Accounting and other formats Modifying Columns, Rows & Cells Creating Simple Formulas Setting up your own formula Date and Time Functions, Financial Functions Logical Functions, Lookup and Reference Functions Mathematical Functions Statistical Functions, Text Functions. Sort and filtering data Using number filter, Text filter Custom filtering Removing filters from columns Conditional formatting Typing new address list Importing address list from Excel file Write and insert field Merging with outlook contact Preview Result Merging to envelopes Merging to label Setting rules for merges Finish & Merge options Adding Endnote Adding a Footnote Adding internal references Table of contents and references Creating Styles, Creating a list style Using Build- in Styles, Modifying Styles.
New, Open, Close, Save, Save As Typing the text, Alignment of text Formatting Text: Font Size, Font Style Font collar, Use the Bold, Italic, and Underline Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Clear text Find & Replace Working with Tabs and Indents Understand PivotTables, Create a PivotTable Framework Using the PivotTable and PivotChart Create Pivot Chart from pivot Table Inserting slicer Creating Calculated fields Inserting new slide Changing layout of slides Duplicating slides Copying and pasting slide Applying themes to the slide layout Changing theme collar Slide background Formatting slide background Using slide views Multilevel numbering and Bulleting Creating List Page bordering Page background Aligning text text directions Columns option Shapes, Clipart and Picture, Word Art, Smart Art Change the Order of Objects Inserting slide header and footer Inserting Text boxes Inserting shapes, using quick styles Inserting Word art Inserting symbols Inserting Chart.
What is Internet? Receiving Incoming Messages Sending Outgoing Messages, Email addressing Email attachments, Browsing, Search engines Text chatting, Job Searching Downloading video and Music Uploading Video or Music, Voice chatting, Webcam Chatting etc. Introduction to Blogging, Facebook Using slide master Inserting layout option Creating custom layout Inserting place holders Formatting place holders Transition, Advancing to the Next Slide Apply a Slide Transition, Modifying a Reorder Animation Using Transitions Modify a Default or Custom Animation Default Animation, Custom Animation Merge and split option Alignment option Table Styles Working with Tables, Table Formatting Inserting Movie From a Computer File Inserting Audio file Audio Video playback and format options Video options, Adjust options Reshaping and bordering Video Understand PivotTables, Create a PivotTable Framework Using the PivotTable and PivotChart Create Pivot Chart from pivot Table.
Course Fees :: 5,500.00
Discounted Fees :: 4,500.00