Diploma in Computer Applications

Diploma in Computer Application & Networking with Basics of Web Designing

Computer is the most common terminology in the present era in all sorts of life. In almost all of day to day activities viz. shopping, medical, studies, travel, communication etc., computer technology is somehow involved. Even it has now reached to our houses and even in our pockets in form of mobile, tablets etc. The IT industry is among the fastest growing industry and largely requires trained manpower for day to day execution of tasks.


  • To prepare the candidates with latest knowledge in computer applications.
  • To make the candidates proficient in using Multimedia applications.
  • To empower the candidates with the knowledge of Hardware & Networking.
  • To help the candidates acquire skills to setup their own enterprise.
  • To make the candidates employable in Government & Private sectors.

Expected Job Roles

  • Data entry operator
  • Office Assistant
  • Graphics Designer
  • Hardware Technician

Course Outline:

  1. Computer Fundamentals
  2. System Maintenance & Information Security
  3. Internet Technology and Web Design
  4. Multimedia
  5. Concepts of DBMS
  6. Website Design 

Prerequisites: Nil
Eligibility Class 10.
Candidates who have appeared in the qualifying examination and awaiting results.

Module-1 Computer Fundamentals

What is computer?

  • a. Components of Computer System
  • b. Classifications of computers
  • c. Representation of data/Information concepts of data processing

2. What is an operating system and basics of Windows

  • a. The User Interface
  • b. Windows Setting
  • c. Opening and closing of different Windows
  • d. Advanced Windows
  • e. Comparison of DOS and Windows
  • f. Switching Between DOS and Windows
  • g. Basic DOS Commands

3. Word Processing Basics

  • a. Opening Documents and Closing documents
  • b. Moving Around in a Document
  • c. Using a Document/Help Wizard
  • d. Text Creation and Manipulation
  • e. Formatting the Text
  • f. Handling Multiple Documents & Printing Documents

4. Spread Sheet

  • a. Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet
  • b. Opening of Spread Sheet
  • c. Menu bar
  • d. Manipulation of cells
  • e. Providing Formulas
  • f. Spread sheets for Small accountings
  • g. Maintaining invoices/budgets
  • h. Totaling of various transactions
  • i. Maintaining daily and monthly sales reports

5. Making Small Presentations

  • a. Creation of Presentation
  • b. Preparation of Slides
  • c. Providing aesthetics
  • d. Slide Manipulation and Slide Show
  • e. Presentation of the Slides

6. Digital Payment

  • a. Different Mode of digital payment
  • i. Unified Payment Interface
  • ii. Aadhaar Enable Payment System
  • iii. Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
  • iv. E-Wallet
  • v. POS
  • b. BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money)
  • c. Digital Locker – Creating, Uploading , Sharing Documents

System Maintenance & Information Security

  1. Computer hardware basics
  2. Troubleshooting computers:
  3. Computer peripheral devices
  4. Trouble shooting OS & Application Software
  5. Information Technology and Society: Indian IT Act, Intellectual Property Rights – issues. Cyber laws.
  6. Trends in IECT: Cloud computing, Digital signature, e-Governance
  7. Information Security basics
  8. Workstation Security
  9. Internet Security
  10. Email Security
  11. Backup and Disaster Management
  12. OS Installation and Securing

Module -3
Internet Technology and web design

  1. Introduction to Internet
  2. Internet Applications
  3. Internet Technology : TCP/IP – protocol, Internet connectivity, packet switching technology, Internet protocols, Internet addressing scheme, Machine addressing (IP address), Modem configuration, Internet, accounts by ISP , ISDN, protocol options , service options
  4. Internet Network and Services on Internet (Definition and Functions):
    Network definition, Common terminologies: LAN, WAN, node, host, workstation, bandwidth, interoperability, network
    administrator, network security, network components: severs, clients, communication media, types of network, addressing in Internet , Network topologies
  5. E-mail, WWW, Telnet, FTP, IRC and search engine
  6. Electronic Mail, Email protocols, structure of an Email, Email clients, and web based E-mail. Email encryption
  7. Web Browsing and Current Trends on Internet: Overview, SGML, web hosting, HTML. CGL, Documents Interchange Standards, components of web publishing, document management, web Page design consideration and principles, search and Meta Search Engines, WWW, browser, HTTP, publishing tools languages, Internet phone, Internet video, collaborative computing, e-commerce.
  8. HTML Programming Basics:
    HTML page structure, HTML text,
    HTML links, HTML document tables,
    HTML frames, HTML images, multimedia


  1. Introduction to Multimedia
  2. Image Fundamentals and Fonts
  3. Adobe Photoshop
    Introduction : Photoshop Interface, Raster graphics & Vector graphics, Operations on image
    Manipulation of Image : The Marquee tool, the Lasso tool, Magic Wand tool, Inverting Selection, Layers, Brush tool, Eraser tool, Fill tool, Blur tool, Smudge tool, Sharpen tool, Dodge tool, Sponge tool, Darken tool.
    Transformation & Retouching: Colour Correction: Colour swatch, image modes, colour adjustments, colour selection. Text, Effects , Drawing

Website Designing
Looking at the Work Area, Setting Up Pages, Using master pages, Laying out pages with frames, Adjusting layout objects automatically, Working with layers.  Working with Text, Arranging and Combining Objects, Applying Color, Using the Color palette, Applying colors by dragging and dropping, Creating gradients.  Working with Tables Adobe Product Integration Using the Package command, Printing and transparency, Flattener settings, The Separations palette

Concepts of DBMS

An Overview of Database Management System:
Introduction to database, database system, database management system (DBMS), advantages of DBMS.
Data Base Operations: Data Manipulation-Concept: Database, Relational Database, integrity.
Operations: Creating, dropping, manipulating table structure. Manipulation of Data, SQL 3. Design and Development of Applications using MS Access: Creation of Tables, Queries, GUI, Creation of Forms – text box, labels, list box, combo box, buttons and controls, Generation of Reports , Web browsing to a form , Web Page reports

Training :: Online / Classroom.
Duration :: 6 Months – Fast Track / 12 Months – Regular Track

Course Fees

  • Excluding Website Design :: Rs. 12,500
  • Excluding LAN :: Rs 15,000
  • Complete Course :: Rs. 16,500