GO Programming

GO Lang is a computer programming language developed by Google. Its development began in 2007 at Google, and it was introduced to the public in 2009. Go’s three lead developers at Google were Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. They set out with a goal to create a language, loosely based on the syntax of the C programming language, which would eliminate the “extraneous garbage” of languages such as C++. As a result, Go inculcates many features of other modern languages, such as method and operator overloading, pointer arithmetic, and type inheritance. The product, in the end, was a statically typed language with a refined and powerful library, and unmatched performance and speed!

  • Widely considered a “minimalist” language
  • Easy to learn
  • Transparent code
  • Compatible
  • Fast

Course Prerequisites
Basic concept of programming language
Knowledge of C Programming

You will learn:

  1. Module 1: OVERVIEW
    Features of Go Programming
    Features Excluded Intentionally
    Go Programs
    Compiling and Executing Go Programs
    Local Environment Setup
    Text Editor
    The Go Compiler
    Download Go Archive
    Installation on UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X, and FreeBSD
    Installation on Windows
    Verifying the Installation
    Hello World Example
    Executing a Go Program
  4. Module 4: BASIC SYNTAX
    Tokens in Go
    Line Separator
    Whitespace in Go
  5. Module 5: DATA TYPES
    Integer Types
    Floating Types
    Other Numeric Types
  6. Module 6: VARIABLES
    Variable Definition in Go
    Static Type Declaration in Go
    Dynamic Type Declaration / Type Inference in Go
    Mixed Variable Declaration in Go
    The lvalues and the rvalues in Go
  7. Module 7: CONSTANTS
    Integer Literals
    Floating-point Literals
    Escape Sequence
    String Literals in Go
    The const Keyword
  8. Module 8: OPERATORS
    Arithmetic Operators
    Relational Operators
    Logical Operators
    Bitwise Operators
    Assignment Operators
    Miscellaneous Operators
    Operators Precedence in Go
  9. Module 9: DECISION MAKING
    The if Statement
    The if…else Statement|
    Nested if Statement
    The Switch Statement
    The Select Statement
    The if…else if…else Statement
  10. Module 10: LOOPS
    for Loop
    Nested for Loops
    Loop Control Statements
    The continue Statement
    The goto Statement.
    The Infinite Loop
  11. Module 11: FUNCTIONS
    Defining a Function
    Calling a Function
    Returning Multiple Values from Function
    Function Arguments
    Call by Value all by Reference
    Function Usage
    Function Closures
  12. Module 12: SCOPE RULES
    Local Variables
    Global Variables
    Formal Parameters
    Initializing Local and Global Variables
  13. Module 13: STRINGS
    Creating Strings
    String Length
    Concatenating Strings
  14. Module 14: ARRAYS
    Declaring Arrays
    Initializing Arrays
    Accessing Array Elements
    Go Arrays in Detail
    Multidimensional Arrays in Go
    Two-Dimensional Arrays
    Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays
    Accessing Two-Dimensional Array Elements
    Passing Arrays to Functions
  15. Module 15: POINTERS
    What Are Pointers?
    How to Use Pointers?
    Nil Pointers in Go
    Go Pointers in Detail
    Go – Array of Pointers
    Go – Pointer to Pointer
    Go – Passing Pointers to Functions
  16. Module 16: STRUCTURES
    Defining a Structure
    Accessing Structure Members
    Structures as Function Arguments
    Pointers to Structures
  17. Module 17: SLICES
    Defining a slice
    len() and cap() functions
    Nil slice
    append() and copy() Functions
  18. Module 18: MAPS
    Defining a Map
    delete() Function

Classroom / Online Training
Duration :: 40 Hours
Course Fees :: 25,000.00