PHP a server-side scripting language created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, is installed on more than 200 million websites and more than 2 million web servers. As it is open source by nature and an efficient programming language, it is today’s one of the widely used languages for web development. Thus, there is a huge demand for PHP programmers. This course is suitable for all the students who are making their career in the programming field and the professionals who want to brush up their knowledge.
Introduction to HTML and learn about HTML entities, Events in HTML, Whitespace & comments, Block & Inline tags, Image & Text, Introduction to HTML5, Elements in HTML5, Tags & Attributes in HTML5, HTML references, HTML forms
CSS 3:
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Detailed introduction on CSS and will learn about Syntax, Rules, Fonts, all the Fundamentals and References of CSS. You will also learn CSS3 in which you will have its introduction, properties and browser support.
Responsive Web Designing:
What is responsive? Why is it important? Benefits, need, limitations, Media Queries
Bootstrap 5:
Overview, Breakpoints, Containers, Grid system, Typography, Images, Tables, Figures, Forms, Form Validation, Helpers, Utilities, Components like Accordion, Alert, Badge, Button / Button Group, Card, Carousel, Close Button, Collapse, Dropdown, Modal, Tabs, Navbar, Off Canvas, Popover, Scrollspy, Toast
You will learn modern JavaScript from the very beginning, step-by-step. I will guide you through practical. You will also learn how to think like a developer, how to plan application features, how to architect your code, how to debug code, and a lot of other real-world skills that you will need on your developer job. Master the JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and more
DOM Manipulation:
Working with the DOM. How to manipulate web pages dynamically via JavaScript
Introduction to node js and react, installing node js and react, creating components and working with jsx, props, state and events, styling react components.
Core PHP:
What is Php? What can php do?, Configuring Php,variables,loops,functions(Pre and user defined),arrays in php,Working super global variables in Php, Array, string,Date functions, and working with sessions and cookies for State management.Performing database operations with php.
Introduction to database, working with mysql, understanding the concept of database and tables.Understanding the datatypes and attributes and working with queries.Understanding the concept of relationships in database.Working with primary and foreign keys.Aggregate functions,sub queries and much more…
Jquery Ajax:
Understanding the ajax with the practical implmentation,Working with API’s and performing crud operations with Php.
OOP and MVC:
Introduction to OOP in php,Understanding the key concepts and practical implementation. Under mvc design pattern.
Laravel 8:
Understanding the framework and Application structure, Routing ,blade templates,Components,sessions. Working with the database by using the concept of Elequent ORM and Migrations.
Understanding and pratical implementation of curl to work with API’s and accessing web services
Web services:
Introduction to the web services, Creating a simple Restful web service.
Mongo DB:
Introduction to Mongo DB a no sql database and performing CRUD operations.
Addition Web Services:
Adding third party login add-ons Google Auth and payment Gateway.