Programming in C, C++ and Python

C Programming is the mother of all Programming languages and is a start to building your career in the field of information technology. In C Programming class one will learn the usage of syntaxes and will learn in details Object Oriented Programming OOPS Concepts. Mastery of C language will help you build a solid foundation and make learning of any programming language in your future endeavors in technology simple.

Introduction to Programming

  • Lesson 1. Fundamentals in C
  • Lesson 2. Operators and Expressions
  • Lesson 3. Data types
  • Lesson 4. Input-Output Library Functions
  • Lesson 5. Control statements
  • Lesson 6. Function
  • Lesson 7. Storage class
  • Lesson 8. Pointer
  • Lesson 9. Pointer and Function
  • Lesson 10. Array
  • Lesson 11. Pointer and array
  • Lesson 12. Array and function
  • Lesson 13. Dynamic memory allocation
  • Lesson 14. String
  • Lesson 15. String and function
  • Lesson 16. Command line arguments
  • Lesson 17. Preprocessor
  • Lesson 18. Structure
  • Lesson 19. Structure and function
  • Lesson 20. File Handling

Syllabus Details

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Programming
  • Lesson 2. Program and Programming
  • Lesson 3. Programming Languages
  • Lesson 4. Types of software’s
  • Lesson 5. Operating Systems
  • Lesson 6. Dos commands
  • Lesson 7. Basic Linux commands and vi editor
  • Lesson 8. Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker

Fundamentals in C

  • Lesson 1. History of ‘C’
  • Lesson 2. A Simple C Program
  • Lesson 3. Program execution phases
  • Lesson 4. Backslash character constants
  • Lesson 5. Character set
  • Lesson 6. Constants
  • Lesson 7. Number systems
  • Lesson 8. Format specifiers
  • Lesson 9. Identifiers
  • Lesson 10. Keywords
  • Lesson 11. Variables
  • Lesson 12. Data Types
  • Lesson 13. Declaration of Variable
  • Lesson 14. Assigning Values to Variables
  • Lesson 15. Initialization
  • Lesson 16. Comments
  • Lesson 17. Const Qualifier
  • Lesson 18. Basic Structure of a ‘C’ program
  • Lesson 19. Programming Examples

Operators and Expressions

  • Lesson 1. Arithmetic operators
  • Lesson 2. Increment and decrement operators
  • Lesson 3. Relational operators
  • Lesson 4. Logical operators
  • Lesson 5. The bitwise operators
  • Lesson 6. The assignment operators
  • Lesson 7. The conditional operator
  • Lesson 8. The size of operator
  • Lesson 9. The comma operator
  • Lesson 10. Type casting operator
  • Lesson 11. Other operators
  • Lesson 12. Precedence and order of evaluation
  • Lesson 13. Programming Examples

Data types

  • Lesson 1. Modifiers
  • Lesson 2. Format specifiers
  • Lesson 3. Dealing with each data types
  • Lesson 4. Memory representation of each type
  • Lesson 5. Programming Examples

Input-Output Library Functions

  • Lesson 1. Unformatted I-O Functions
  • Lesson 2. Single Character Input-Output
  • Lesson 3. String Input-Output
  • Lesson 4. Formatted I-O Functions
  • Lesson 5. printf() Width Specifier
  • Lesson 6. scanf() Width Specifier
  • Lesson 7. Programming Examples

Control statements

  • Lesson 1. Conditional Control Statements
  • Lesson 2. if
  • Lesson 3. if-else
  • Lesson 4. nested if-else
  • Lesson 5. else-if ladder
  • Lesson 6. Multiple Branching Control Statement
  • Lesson 7. switch-case
  • Lesson 8. Loop Control Statements
  • Lesson 9. while
  • Lesson 10. do-while
  • Lesson 11. for
  • Lesson 12. Nested Loops
  • Lesson 13. Jump Control statements
  • Lesson 14. break
  • Lesson 15. continue
  • Lesson 16. goto
  • Lesson 17. exit
  • Lesson 18. return
  • Lesson 19. Programming Examples


  • Lesson 1. What is function?
  • Lesson 2. Why function?
  • Lesson 3. Advantages of using functions
  • Lesson 4. Function Prototype
  • Lesson 5. Defining a function
  • Lesson 6. Calling a function
  • Lesson 7. Return statement
  • Lesson 8. Types of functions
  • Lesson 9. Recursion
  • Lesson 10. Nested functions
  • Lesson 11. main() function
  • Lesson 12. Library Function
  • Lesson 13. Local and global variables
  • Lesson 14. Programming Examples


  • Lesson 1. Types of storage class
  • Lesson 2. Scoping rules
  • Lesson 3. Dealing with all storage classes
  • Lesson 4. Programming Examples


  • Lesson 1. Def of Pointer
  • Lesson 2. Declaration of Pointer Variables
  • Lesson 3. Assigning Address to Pointer
  • Lesson 4. Variables
  • Lesson 5. De-referencing Pointer Variables
  • Lesson 6. Pointer to Pointer
  • Lesson 7. Pointer Arithmetic
  • Lesson 8. Pointer comparisons
  • Lesson 9. De-reference and increment pointer
  • Lesson 10. Programming Examples

Pointer and Function

  • Lesson 1. Parameter Passing Techniques – call by value, call by address
  • Lesson 2. Using Pointers as Arguments Function Returning value
  • Lesson 3. Returning More than one value From A Function
  • Lesson 4. Functions Returning Address
  • Lesson 5. Function Returning Pointers
  • Lesson 6. Dangling pointer
  • Lesson 7. Pointer to a Function
  • Lesson 8. Calling A function through function pointer
  • Lesson 9. passing A function’s address
  • Lesson 10. Argument to other function
  • Lesson 11. Functions with variable number of arguments
  • Lesson 12. Programming Examples


  • Lesson 1. One dimensional arrays
  • Lesson 2. Declaration of 1D arrays
  • Lesson 3. Initialization of 1D arrays
  • Lesson 4. Accessing element of 1D arrays
  • Lesson 5. Reading and displaying elements
  • Lesson 6. Two dimensional arrays
  • Lesson 7. Declaration of 2D arrays
  • Lesson 8. Initialization of 2D arrays
  • Lesson 9. Accessing element of 2D arrays
  • Lesson 10. Reading and displaying elements
  • Lesson 11. Programming Examples

Pointer and Array

  • Lesson 1. Pointer and one dimensional arrays
  • Lesson 2. Subscripting pointer variables
  • Lesson 3. Pointer to an array
  • Lesson 4. Array of pointers
  • Lesson 5. Pointers and two dimensional arrays
  • Lesson 6. Subscripting pointer To an array
  • Lesson 7. Programming Examples

Array and Function

  • Lesson 1. 1D array and function
  • Lesson 2. Passing individual array elements to a function passing individual array elements address to a function
  • Lesson 3. passing whole 1d array to a function
  • Lesson 4. 2D array and function
  • Lesson 5. Passing individual array elements to a function
  • Lesson 6. Passing individual array elements address to a function
  • Lesson 7. passing whole 2d array to a function
  • Lesson 8. using arrays of function pointer
  • Lesson 9. Programming Examples


  • Lesson 1. strings versus character arrays
  • Lesson 2. Initializing strings
  • Lesson 3. Reading string
  • Lesson 4. Displaying string
  • Lesson 5. The %s format specifier
  • Lesson 6. The gets() and puts() functions
  • Lesson 7. string handling functions
  • Lesson 8. string pointers
  • Lesson 9. Two-dimensional character arrays or array of string
  • Lesson 10. array of pointers to strings
  • Lesson 11. Programming Examples

Command line arguments

  • Lesson 1. what is command prompt?
  • Lesson 2. why command line?
  • Lesson 3. What are command line arguments?
  • Lesson 4. Programs using command line

C++ – Object Oriented Language
C++ is a general-purpose programming language.
C++ contains object oriented concepts which has so many advantages. It is designed in terms of System Programming and Embedded system.

In 1983, “C with Classes” was renamed to “C++”, adding new features that included virtual functions, function name and operator overloading, references, constants, type-safe free-store memory allocation (new/delete), improved type checking, So, We can say that c++ is an extension of C language.

C++ contains following topics :
Introduction to C and C++, Basic Syntax, Object Oriented Concept, Data Types and Variables, Constants, Literals, Modifiers, Operators, Loop Controls, Decision Making, Class Structure with Object, Function, Arrays, String, Inheritance, Constructor-Destructor, Exception Handling, Files etc…..

Python contains 33 keywords. For the development of code, C supports procedural programming. C++ is known as hybrid language because C++ supports both procedural and object oriented programming paradigms. Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming

Python multi-paradigm programming
Python is a multi-paradigm programming language: object-oriented programming and structured programming.

The syntax (words and structure) is extremely simple to read and follow, most of which can be understood even if you do not know any programming.Python is capable of threading and GPU processing just like any other language. Most of the data processing modules are actually just Python wrappers around C/C++ code.”Modules” are pre-written Python code that you “import” in your Python program.Python can be used to make games, do data analysis, control robot and hardware, create GUIs, or even to create websites.

Python Language contains following topics

Introduction, Basic Syntax, Variables, Data types, List, String, Number, Tuple, Directory, Basic Operators, Decision making, Loop, Module, Exception Handling, Files, Function, Object-Oriented Concepts


  1. Introduction to Python
    Python Introduction, History of Python, Introduction to Python Interpreter and program
    execution, Python Installation Process in Windows and Linux, Python IDE, Introduction to
    anaconda, python variable declaration, Keywords, Indents in Python,
    Python input/output operations
  2. Python’s Operators
    Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, Assignment Operators, Logical Operators,
    Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators, Ternary Operator, Operator
  3. Python’s Built-in Data types
    String, List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary (characteristics and methods)
  4. Conditional Statements & Loop
    Conditional Statements (If, If-else, If-elif-else, Nested-if etc.) and loop control statements
    (for, while, Nested loops, Break, Continue, Pass statements)
  5. Function in python.
    Introduction to functions, Function definition and calling, Function parameters, Default
    argument function, Variable argument function, in built functions in python, Scope of
    variable in python
  6. File Processing
    Concept of Files, File opening in various modes and closing of a file, Reading from a file,
    Writing onto a file, some important File handling functions e.g open(), close(), read(),
    readline() etc.
  7. Modules
    Concept of modularization, Importance of modules in python, Importing modules, Built in
    modules ( ex: Numpy)

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days
Class Mode: Theory With Practical
Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

Course Fees :: 7,500.00
Discounted Fees :: 6,000.00 (For a Batch of 5 Students)
Course Material :: Softcopy